Sticker set + FREE Neverwhere book + a chance to win signed bookmark

Sticker set + FREE Neverwhere book + a chance to win signed bookmark

I hope you are all keeping safe and using some of your time to catch up on your reading in this o-so-strange time! 

This is a 9 piece sticker set of Neil quotes with David Mack art, comes with an Anansi Boys bookmark. 15.95 for the set!  **(just a little over a buck a sticker)**

(Wish 1, Believe, both Sandman stickers, Making mistakes, Odin, Good Omens, Neil's 8 rules of writing & Dream)

The full color stickers measure 4" x 6 " and the bookmark measures 2" x 6".

These will come with a free paperback copy of NEVERWHERE, Neil's tale of London underground magic and mystery. YES I SAID FREE.

(these books are not signed)

In six (6) of the packages, we hid a signed-by-Neil-Gaiman bookmark. We only have 100 of these so it's a pretty good chance to win one of the bookmarks.

All sent to you in a nice shiny gold envelope like Willy Wonka's ticket! (and if we run out it will be send in a midnight black envelope)

We have been donating funds to our favorite tiger rescue Valley of the Kings and to local businesses here in the LA area, and we will continue to donate more -I would like to send a chunk over to David Mack for all of his cancelled appearances as well! Thank you for the support!

**to note: we have never raised our shipping prices in over 13 years, not once, even though the post office continues to raise their rates-- I always encourage overseas customers to pool their orders if possible, as it is a flat rate no matter how much is ordered**


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